Hauptseite > Natur > Umweltschutz & Menschenrechte
📖 https://www.bu.edu/sph/news/articles/2024/oil-and-gas-flaring-linked-to-7-4-b-in-health-damages/
Weitere Informationen
📖 Wenn Erdgas einfach abgefackelt wird (Der Standard)
📖 Umweltsünde namens „Flaring“ (taz)
📖 «Flaring» – ein weltweiter Klimakiller pustet ungehindert weiter (SRF)
📖 Methan: Das vergessene Treibhausgas (Deutschlandfunk)
Und auf Englisch:
📖 Iraq: Under Poisoned Skies (BBC documentary)
📖 I’m asking BP to take its share of responsibility for my son’s death, and will take it to UK court if I have to (The Guardian - Opinion)
📖 Iraqi father in legal first against BP over son's death (BBC)
📖 Oil and Gas Flaring Linked to $7.4B in Health Damages (Boston University)
📖 Air pollution: Uncovering the dirty secret behind BP’s bumper profits (BBC)
📖 Southern Iraq’s toxic skies are a colonial legacy (al Jazeera)
📖 Father challenges BP at meeting after son's death (BBC)
📖 What is Gas Flaring? (World Bank)